Declaration of Integrity Zone of Statistics of Tanggamus Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanggamus Regency

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Declaration of Integrity Zone of Statistics of Tanggamus Regency

 Declaration of Integrity Zone of Statistics of  Tanggamus Regency

June 17, 2020 | Other Activities

On June 17, 2020, the Tanggamus Regency BPS launched the development of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and a Clean Serving Bureaucracy Region (WBBM). The declaration was carried out simultaneously by BPS Regency / City in the Province of Lampung virtually.

In a separate place, the declaration was also witnessed by the Deputy Regent of Tanggamus, AM. Syafi'i, S.Ag, Assistant for Government Affairs, Jonsen Vanisa, SE., MM, Head of Tanggamus Communication and Information Agency, Drs. Sabaruddin, Wakapus Tanggamus Kompol MN. Yuliansyah, SH., MH, and Chair of the School of Islamic Economics and Business (STEBI), Riki Renaldo, M.TI.

Through his remarks, the Regent of Tanggamus, Dewi Handajani, SE., MM hoped that this proclamation could be a stimulant for the entire apparatus to work harder, honestly, and highly dedicated as support and commitment to the government, both the Central Government and Regional Governments.

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