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Training on Price Survey for Rice Producers in Milling (SHPBG) Tanggamus Regency in 2024
January 10, 2024 | BPS Activities
Based on Minister of Agriculture Regulation no. 31 of 2017 and SNI 6128: 2015 issued by the National Standards Agency (BSN) BPS continuously provides rice price data as a reference or recommendation to the government in determining the standard rice purchase price by Bulog. BPS through the Directorate
Price Statistics is responsible for collecting data on rice prices in mills by carrying out the Rice Producer Price Survey in Milling (SHPBG).
As a manifestation of this implementation, BPS Tanggamus Regency carried out SHPBG Training on Tuesday, January 9 2024, in the BPS Hall of Tanggamus Regency. Training activities involving organic officers and partners.
SHPBG is needed to record changes in rice price data from various rice qualities at the milling level. The results of this survey are also an early indicator of rising and falling rice prices at the consumer level. So that it can provide anticipatory steps by interested parties regarding rice price transactions in order to maintain rice price stabil
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tanggamus (Statistics Tanggamus Regency)Jl. Ir. Hi. Juanda Kota Agung 35384 Tanggamus