Training for Candidates for SAKERNAS Officers in February 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanggamus Regency

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Training for Candidates for SAKERNAS Officers in February 2019

Training for Candidates for SAKERNAS Officers in February 2019

January 28, 2019 | BPS Activities

Located in Urban Style Front One Hotel, Kab. Pringsewu on January 28, 2019 began training activities for the National Labor Force Survey in February 2019 which was opened by the Head of BPS in the Tanggamus Regency (Sugaryadi, SE., MM). This training activity is held in one wave starting from January 28 to January 31, 2019. The participants of this training are those who will be assigned to become Field Enumerators (PCL) and Field Inspection Officers (PML). PCL officers are Statistics Partners and District Statistics Coordinators (KSK) who have been selected through a fairly rigorous recruitment and selection process to produce officers who meet the desired qualifications to produce quality field data. Whereas PML Officers are Staff in the BPS BPS neighborhood of Tanggamus.
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