August 15, 2019 | BPS Activities
In order to improve the performance of the service of the State Civil Service (ASN) at the central and regional levels, KemenPANRB) and BPS conduct a survey of public services in ministries / institutions / organizations of the regional apparatus namely SHPRB 2019.
This survey will produce a Service Quality Index (IKP) and an Anti Corruption Perception Index (IPAK). The index obtained serves as a supporter for evaluating the results components contained in the Bureaucratic Reform Evaluation Worksheet (LKE-RB). Both of these perception indexes are expected to be able to describe the quality of services and corrupt behavior of each government agency, and also as a basis for preparing recommendations for government agencies related to improving service quality.
In connection with this, on August 15-17 2019, the Training of SHPRB 2019 Officers in Lampung Province was held at the Grand Anugerah Bandar Lampung Hotel, participated by participants from 12 Regencies / Cities in Lampung Province and participants from BPS Lampung Province
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