E-Commerce Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanggamus Regency

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E-Commerce Survey

E-Commerce Survey

November 7, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Internet and digitalization have transformed how society, businesses, and government interact, especially within the digital economy, which simplifies marketing, purchasing, distribution, and payments. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digitalization, including in Indonesia, where E-Commerce not only reshapes consumption patterns but also creates new opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment. The large potential of the digital economy has driven the government to update regulations supporting the growth of this sector. BPS is conducting the 2024 E-Commerce Survey using the Go Digital method based on CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) to map the development of E-Commerce businesses quickly and accurately. The survey aims to update the sampling framework, provide key indicators, and support Gross Domestic Product (GDP) calculations with digital transaction data that reflect the contribution of E-Commerce to Indonesia’s economy.

BPS Tanggamus Regency has been selected as one of the areas implementing the 2024 E-Commerce Survey, with samples spread across 9 districts, including Semaka, Kota Agung, Talang Padang, Pugung, and Air Naningan. The survey involves 4 survey enumerators and 1 supervisor. In the second week of enumeration, the Head of the Distribution Statistics Team conducted a supervisory visit to Kota Agung District to ensure that the enumeration was proceeding smoothly.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tanggamus (Statistics Tanggamus Regency)Jl. Ir. Hi. Juanda Kota Agung 35384 Tanggamus

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